About Heidi
A hot cup of coffee, an open laptop, a cat watching with wise eyes, a cockatoo on my shoulder and a faithful dog by my feet – this is how I start most mornings.
In the wee hours, I find myself contemplating the vagaries of human nature. Who do we love? What motivates us? Where do we find solace? When will we learn?
Raised in Minnesota by my father; horses, dogs, cats and occasionally racoons, were my companions. When I eventually married, had three children and moved to Connecticut, one neighbor dubbed me, “Heidi raised by wolves” for my lack of social graces.
I don’t mind. I’m comfortable marching to the beat of my own drum. I love nature, animals and am an avid athlete. Like my German grandfather, I find pleasure in hard work and have built a successful plant-based company, Heidi’s Real Food.
No stranger to solitude, I often find myself feeling more like an observer than a participant in social situations. Hatching Love, my debut novel, explores the themes of community, connection and rebirth from the perspective of an observer who happens to be a narcissist ghost. Is Tom me? My alter ego? I never knew.
While my peers talk of “feeling their age”, I have come into my power, creativity and focus. Never in step, never in tune, I laugh my way on to the page.